Usage limits
Any SMS-enabled account includes 1,000 outbound and unlimited inbound text messages per calendar month. An SMS message segment is 160 characters (or only 80 characters if you use emojis in the message). Each segment counts toward the 1000 monthly outbound limit. Unused messages do not rollover to the following month. Outbound messages can not be shared or pooled between users.
Need more than 1000 outbound messages in a month?
Overages for outbound messages are billed at a rate of $15 per additional 1,000 messages.
To avoid interruption of service, charges are billed immediately when a number has 0 remaining messages.
Fair usage
PhoneBurner offers one-to-one text messaging, just like you have on your mobile phone. Our software facilitates effective, personalized text communications sent one at a time, to complement calls and email communications.
Texts can be sent manually, or in one click via a disposition button to improve productivity.
Mass texting, text marketing campaigns, and blasts are not the intended use case and abuse may result in your service being terminated.
Per federal law, marketing text messages can only be sent to recipients who have explicitly consented to receive your communications.
Additionally, using an A2P (Application-to-Peer) service, such as PhoneBurner, to send text messages requires third-party A2P compliance registration and Carrier approval.
Our Trust & Safety team helps you through this federally mandated process designed to preserve trust and protect both businesses and consumers alike.
Please note: The ability to send SMS messages is limited to Premium accounts who are registered and approved for A2P 10DLC compliant communications. To learn more about registering for SMS compliance visit this article here.
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