How to create and organize Number Pools
Watch this short video on how to create a Number Pool or follow the step-by-step instructions below:
- Click Numbers in the Settings header
- Click Add Number Pool
- Enter Pool Name
- Select one of the 4 routing strategies from the dropdown:
- Myself* (calls route to you according to your Inbound Routing Rules!) *Number pool will only be available to the admin as a Caller ID option
- Last Caller* (calls route to the last seat to call the contact according to their Inbound Routing Rules) *only available for team accounts
- External number (calls route to a specific Non-PhoneBurner Verified Number)
- Team Member* (calls route back to a single designated seat on your team according to their Inbound Routing Rules) *only available for team accounts, Number pool will only be available to the specific team member the calls are routing back to
- Click Submit
Make sure to keep your Inbound Routing Rules in mind when selecting your routing strategy. Your available Inbound Routing options will depend on your account level:
- Standard Account: Inbound calls can be routed to any Verified Caller ID Number in your account Caller ID list.
- Professional Account: Inbound Calls can be routed to any Verified Caller ID Number in your account Caller ID list.
- Premium Account: Inbound Calls can be routed to any Verified Caller ID Number in your Account Caller ID list. Inbound Calls can be routed to an active dial session window. Ignored calls can be forwarded to the forwarding number for the seat or sent to the seat’s voicemail inbox.
Organize Numbers into Number Pools
- Click the > on the left of the pool that holds the number you wish to move
- Click the ... to the right of the number you wish to move
- Move the number to its new Number Pool by clicking on the Number Pool Name
The Number Pool can now be used as the Caller ID option* for Dial Sessions!
*Pools routing to a single seat will only be available to that seat
Click here to learn how to use Number Pools in Dialer Presets.
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