Phoneburner purchases numbers from a vendor and sometimes numbers are not available in certain area codes or can be back-ordered if they are popular.
Some area codes that are no longer available for purchase or have not come available in an extended amount of time (months or years) include:
212, 223, 303, 310, 327, 364, 480, 602, 603, 640, 680, 703, 713, 718, 720, 801, 820, 838, 907, 927, 934 and 986.
In cases where a number is ordered but none are available in the exact area code you requested, our system will provision an available number in the closest available area code instead.
Please keep in mind that you will be charged each time you add or replace a number, so we recommend against repeatedly ordering numbers to attempt to get a specific unavailable number - more than likely they will still be unavailable.
If you want to know if a specific number is available before ordering, please call or email email support ( and we should be able to verify.
If the number you want is not available and you'd prefer to choose your own nearby number rather than being automatically assigned one, a complete list of North American Area codes can be found on Wikipedia.
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