Each contact in your system will show an Email Status.
Here are the definitions of what each means.
Confirmed or Active - This contact's email address is Active and all mail will be sent to this contact.
Limited - Email sending is Limited. Email messages from the Contact Manager and Email Broadcast tool can be sent to this contact.
Restricted - Email sending is Restricted. Email messages to this contact can only be sent one at a time from the Contact Manager.(no email campaigns or broadcasts)This is the default status of all contacts on import.
Unsubscribed - Your contact is Unsubscribed from all email.
Soft Bounced Out - There were too many temporary errors in sending email to this address, such as "Mailbox Full", so no more emails will be sent to this contact.
Hard Bounced Out - There was a permanent error in sending email to this address, such as "No Email Exists", so no more emails will be sent to this contact.
If you wish to remove someone from a restricted status to a confirmed status, you can include a link in your one-touch emails for email confirmation. Once a person clicks this, their email status will change.
This is located in the Emails Library editing page under the tags /Links-email confirmation.
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